Friday, October 9, 2015

IT'S BEEN A GREAT RIDE... when do I get off?

It's been a great ride... this AMBEREN ADVENTURE I've been on... 
but it might be time to get off.

I'm 61 now, and wonder... 
is it time to quit?
Do I take Amberen forever?
Will my hot flashes come back?
Will my skin shrivel up?
Will Paps hurt again?
Will I become a raving maniac?

ARGH.... somebody tell me what to do!  I thought when menopause was over, all the other stuff would be also... 
then I read this:

The Nurse on the Hot Line said:
"The only way to find out, is to STOP and see how you do."

Argh... been there, done that!

I only have a week's worth of pills left.  
Should I order more to have on hand, just in case?

I will keep you posted...  

In a few weeks weeks I may decide to get another Ticket to Ride!

P.S. Happy 75th Birthday Johnny Boy...