April 19, 2012
I haven't written for a couple weeks... tax season, you know. Still double dosing twice a week - waiting for some momentous to happen. But what is it they say about the Tortoise and the Hare? Slow and steady wins the race - must have patience. I am gradually feeling somewhat back to normal, whatever that is.
Interesting to Google: What is Normal? Found a lovely quote which made me feel better:
"It is often relatively healthy people who feel defective"...
"It is often relatively healthy people who feel defective"...
Now that taxes are done, I can focus on what I'm feeling... do I feel defective?
Interesting question... I'm going to NOODLE that and let you know.
But more than seeking normalcy, I seek C.A.L.M.
I found a wonderful article: "How to Have a Calm Life."

One thing in particular really stuck out:
"If you know what bothers your life,
remove it before you proceed further."
Somehow I doubt they were talking about husbands.
At least I've graduated from screaming...
to making sarcastic remarks...
to making those remarks under my breath...
to just rolling my eyes and leaving the room...
small steps for womankind, giant leap for me!
Is Amberen the reason for these changes?
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