Had my "Annual" visit last week...
(Does anyone else wear socks?)
I was VERY nervous, because last year it
My body wasn't producing estrogen... hence,
tears of pain from this usually
simple procedure.
This year... piece of cake... NO PAIN AT ALL!
"I think it's the Amberen I'm taking."
Long pause... then my doctor looked up and asked,
"The WHAT?"
I just happened to have the box in my purse.
She was puzzled by the "Proprietary Compound" - I am trying to get more details.
In the meantime, I thought I'd share some of the other ingredients with you, my friends...
The full descriptions are all on their website -
but here is a brief (or not-so-brief) synopsis:
"The succinate anion is derived from ammonium Succinate and, in this form, penetrates any biological membranes at the fastest rate"
... blah blah blah... The Succinate ANION? What the heck? All I see is the last sentence: "can help the body cope with physical or psycho-emotional stress."
"Calcium Disuccinate is the source of an easily absorbed calcium, which is vital for regulating myocardial contractility and formation of the bone tissue."
Simple Simon.
Calcium... bone tissue...
We've all heard of this one, MONOSODIUM L-GLUTAMATE:
"Monosodium L-Glutamate is a salt of an amino acid, and functions as a neurotransmitter."
Apparently the "L" means it is quite different from that found in Chinese Food!
OK... what about GLYCINE:
"Glycine is an amino acid, involved in the processes regulating brain cell activity. In combination with magnesium, it lowers the sensitivity of glutamate receptors and makes brain mitochondrion more resistant to hypoxia, which, in turn, results in the normalization of the psycho-emotional balance in the body."
We know Amino Acids are essential to life, and found in soybeans but did you know Glycene has been found in outer space!?
Let's try the next one
"...the source of an easily absorbed magnesium, which is essential for a healthy cardiovascular system."
It says a few other things, but this is all we need to know: Essential for Healthy Heart
What's next:
"...one of the sources of zinc and fumarate, which play an important role in energy metabolism. Zinc ions are blah blah blah... until: "This in turn contributes to the normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism and reduces the risk of diabetes."
Sounds good to me!
"Vitamin E (in its form as Tocopherol Acetate) is a fat-soluble, natural antioxidant that prevents lipid peroxidation of cell membranes. Cell organelles and most importantly, the DNA contained in the nucleus, rely on the cell membrane to protect them. Antioxidant properties of tocopherol, supplemented by water-soluble succinate anions, promote the stabilization of membrane structure, as well as generic cell functions."

Tocopherol Acetate... sounds more like a fabric, doesn't it?
Apparently it's a form of Vitamin E... who knew...
All I know is it is WORKING... and my doctor is amazed.
Maybe the medical community will actually get on the