Welcome to my Amberen adventure... my journey through the maze of menopausal symptoms... I'm just a woman trying to find some relief, and decided to keep of log of my experiences with Amberen. I am not being paid by anyone... I just want to see if this stuff actually works. Thank you for joining me in my journey... and if you have found relief elsewhere, please share your findings! We should all be in this together...
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Monday, October 29, 2012
The TRUTH about the Wicked Witch of the West!

I have always had a special affinity with this movie...
and finally it all makes sense!
Bea's Blabber Blogger
tells the truth about the Wicked Witch of the West!
According to Bea... she was not really a witch,
but just a middle age woman going through Menopause!
Makes sense when you look at the evidence...
- She doesn't really have green skin - it is a moisturing body mask for her dry, itchy skin!
- You can't see her facial hair, but it's probably hidden under her green mask - and I'm sure that ugly mole pops out a nice bristly one each month!
- Her fingernails are dry... brittle and cracked...
- She has feelings of dread... apprehension and doom.
- Irritability and depression - who wouldn't be bitchy having to compete with Dorothy and Glinda?
- She doesn't seem to sleep at night - menopausal insomnia - why else would she be seeing flying monkeys?
- Hot flashes and night sweats - she just FELT like she was melting!
Yellow Brick Road
until you reach the
other side...
refreshed and renewed!
Keep yoursense of humor...
and who knows...
maybe you'll
end up with that cute scarecrow!
Monday, October 15, 2012
A year has passed since I began this journey...
if I don't post as often, it's a good thing!
It means My Amberen Adventure
Come ZOOM with me!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Pearls Pearls... Glorious Pearls...
I found something COOL (pun intended) I wanted to share... especially for those who are still suffering...
or who live in a God-Forsaken desert like I do!
I wish I had them while I was working full-time.
We would be sitting in a meeting when I would feel that familiar feeling...
tingling flush rising from my ankles... building... building...
until it grew into a circuit board blowout,
causing me to run like a banshee out of the conference room,
drenched in sweat, in an uncontrollable, full-blown hot/flash/panic/attack!
My HOT FLASH/FLUSHES are under control - thanks to the Amberen Gods
but I DO live in a desert (not by choice) and could use these five months out of the year...
Pearls Pearls... Glorious Pearls! With a twist...
Check these puppies out!
or who live in a God-Forsaken desert like I do!
I wish I had them while I was working full-time.
We would be sitting in a meeting when I would feel that familiar feeling...
tingling flush rising from my ankles... building... building...
until it grew into a circuit board blowout,
causing me to run like a banshee out of the conference room,
drenched in sweat, in an uncontrollable, full-blown hot/flash/panic/attack!
My HOT FLASH/FLUSHES are under control - thanks to the Amberen Gods
but I DO live in a desert (not by choice) and could use these five months out of the year...
Pearls Pearls... Glorious Pearls! With a twist...
Check these puppies out!
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http://www.hotgirlspearls.com/ |
They come in assorted lengths and colors (white, pink, gun metal grey)... and are filled with a non-toxic cooling gel. You keep them in the freezer, and when you take them out and put them on... AHHHH
Kind of like Menopause Teething Rings!
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I appreciate that they call them HOT GIRL PEARLS
as opposed to HOT WOMEN or HOT LADIES...
Doesn't the word GIRLS make you feel younger!?
Hey... who else took Jazzercise back in the 80's?
I used to used to stick my head and wristbands in the freezer before class...
Hey... who else took Jazzercise back in the 80's?
I used to used to stick my head and wristbands in the freezer before class...
Why didn't I market that idea?
PS - Hot Girls Pearls is on Facebook Now and is expanding into Bed Bath and Beyooooond!
Good for you Connie! I adore you!
I SO wanted to be Olivia Newton John...
COME ON GIRLS... Order your Amberen and Pearls...
Olivia is still darling... wonder if she takes Amberen?
Good for you Connie! I adore you!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
That Pesky Inner Child
A few days ago I was at Michael's -
in the back by the yarn,
chatting with another MCM
(Menopausal Crochet Maniac)
when all of a sudden I was DRENCHED!
I kept looking at my new friend... chatting away... expecting to see a trickle down her forehead as well... but there was none. Which meant only one thing...
and it was NOT a broken air-conditioner!
SHIT - I thought I was DONE with these!
in the back by the yarn,
chatting with another MCM
(Menopausal Crochet Maniac)
when all of a sudden I was DRENCHED!
I kept looking at my new friend... chatting away... expecting to see a trickle down her forehead as well... but there was none. Which meant only one thing...
and it was NOT a broken air-conditioner!
SHIT - I thought I was DONE with these!
I should never have experimented with my dosage!
Luckily, this arrived in my inbox... in the nick of time!
They must have heard about the woman melting at Michael's...
From inbox to mailbox in three days...
Now that I have my new STASH - I can double-dose for a week or two -
and kick that inner child out of the house!
She is old enough to live on her own... buy her own car... pay her own bills!
Oh... and Happy Anniversary Amberen!
Maybe I should lobby for some free merchandise, in exchange for this free advertising!
Hmmm.... I'll have to noodle that...
Luckily, this arrived in my inbox... in the nick of time!
They must have heard about the woman melting at Michael's...
From inbox to mailbox in three days...
Now that I have my new STASH - I can double-dose for a week or two -
and kick that inner child out of the house!
She is old enough to live on her own... buy her own car... pay her own bills!
Oh... and Happy Anniversary Amberen!
Maybe I should lobby for some free merchandise, in exchange for this free advertising!
Hmmm.... I'll have to noodle that...
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Hot Flash Alert - back to daily dose!
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http://marvimarti.com/2012/01/17/hot-flashes-marriage-hell-no/ |
I had a couple HOT FLASHES this week!
OK... so I WAS cleaning and purging, and I KNOW this is Arizona, and we ARE in our humid (it's all relative) Monsoon Season - but there is a definite difference - and these were the REAL DEAL!
OK... so I WAS cleaning and purging, and I KNOW this is Arizona, and we ARE in our humid (it's all relative) Monsoon Season - but there is a definite difference - and these were the REAL DEAL!
For those of you who can't relate, I would like to thank Marvi Marti for finding a cartoon which captures the ESSENCE!
I also have been feeling somewhat sluggish lately, and gained a couple pounds back. So I'm going back to my daily dosage. Hopefully that is the culprit. I might even double up for a week or two to just to kick back into gear sooner.
I'm not sorry I tried the every other day experiment... now I KNOW.
Drat - I missed the Fourth of July 15% sale...
wonder if they will do it for Labor Day?
wonder if they will do it for Labor Day?
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy Independence Day!
July 4, 2012
I had an unexpected vacation for the whole month of June - literally stranded in Portland and Orcas Island while waiting for my new (very old) car to be repaired... making sure it worked so I would make it, driving all the way home to Phoenix! I am not complaining, mind you - I mean really... being STUCK on Orcas Island? I am SOOO grateful I had a home to stay in (my Aunt Barb lives there) and was able to spend some much needed time with my daughter, who is working at a local resort for the summer... it was an absolutely fabulous experience... if you have to be stranded somewhere, I HIGHLY recommend it!
POINT BEING... I was still taking my AMBEREN, skipping Sundays. But in the middle of June, I realized I hadn't brought enough of my pills with me - and took them every other day to make them last. When I realized my trip was going to be much longer than anticipated, I had the rest of them shipped to me. I didn't feel any different taking them every other day, and decided to start doing that on a regular basis this month.
My moods are still on an even keel...
the weight is peeling off a little bit at a time.
the weight is peeling off a little bit at a time.
I feel like my old womanly self more every day... and never want to give them up.
But to save money and make them last a little longer,
I will skip a couple more days each week...
I'm such a cheapskate!
Starting today, I will skip Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday...
taking them Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday - 4 out of 7 days.
Good thing I got that silly Pill-Minder thingy - it's turning out to be quite handy after all!
Oh... and by the way...
It takes on a whole new meaning this year...
for while I am always grateful to live in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave...
this year I am also celebrating
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©Russ Burden |
Friday, June 1, 2012
I Feel Like a Woman!
June 1, 2012
Sometimes I have a few Turkey Sausage links. I TRY to eat somewhat healthy dinners (especially if my daughter is home to cook)... Mostly I graze throughout the day... some cashews... some raspberries... maybe a banana... not anything like I SHOULD.

I am also going to admit - in the evening I treat myself to a little Spumoni Ice Cream sometimes... am I the only one who loves this flavor? Glad I don't have for a Spaghetti Factory date to get it now... I hope it's not a flavor experiment soon to disappear...
My point is:
I've been doing this all year long... the ONLY THING that has changed is the addition of AMBEREN into my life!
Maybe, just maybe it is starting to do it's thing... In the nick of time!
No news is good news, right? A whole month has slipped by without a posting! I am on auto-pilot... my body is adjusting nicely... I am skipping the pills on Sundays. Not willing to change much else yet... I want these things to be truly ingrained in my system -
don't ruin a good thing!
But something new is finally happening!
I have not changed anything... haven't started working out
(got a YMCA membership but haven't used it yet)...
I haven't upped my water intake -
I'm at about a 10th of what it should be...
What I AM doing is eating a big breakfast of one egg/two egg whites,
lots of zucchini, onions and tomatoes... similiar to this...
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http://www.columbusfoodie.com/2009/09/20/summer-squash-scramble/ |

The hardest part is during the day... working at my computer... bookkeeping away... sometimes I need to CRUNCH - and I found something that satisfied that NEED - "My Nana's" chips! They are the best - and locally made... but get the ones from SAFEWAY - they make them fresh at Basha's, but they are too hard to resist! I've been known to eat a whole bag... (and I wonder why I've been gaining weight?)

My new favorite salsa is Safeway Select Peach Pineapple - I put it on top of my eggs... mix it with low-fat sour cream for a KILLER salad dressing.
Of course, mixed with cream cheese is the best,
but I'm TRYING to be good!
Just sayin.... Get this stuff!
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Gormley. |
My point is:
I've been doing this all year long... the ONLY THING that has changed is the addition of AMBEREN into my life!
Maybe, just maybe it is starting to do it's thing... In the nick of time!
I was venturing into Rosie O'Donnell territory!
Don't get me wrong - I LOVE HER!
but let's be honest, I would rather look like her fiancee...
come back to XM Radio, Rosie - I miss our morning chats!
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http://blog.marinarinaldi.com/en/category/news/ |
They say we gravitate toward looking like our spouses,
that explains MY weight gain...
and hopefully will help with Rosie's weight loss!
I really didn't want to be doomed to a lifetime of
leggings and loose fitting blouses and blazers...
I am giving AMBEREN the credit for the change -
and hopefully by next month I will report more good news...
and hopefully by next month I will report more good news...
In the meantime, I'm feeling good... almost NORMAL if I dare use that term!
My moods are on an even keel -
I feel like a WOMAN again!
Come on girls... SING WITH ME!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Happy May Day all you Goddesses!
May 1, 2012
I'm stuck in a
and can't get out!
Thanks to Amberen
(I think)
It is Ring around the Rosie and all that Jazz... birds are chirping... flowers are blooming... air conditioners are humming away... and I feel pretty chipper myself!
I am back down to one pill a day.
the reason behind my good mood?
My husband suggested I
stop taking them again...
just to test it.
Didn't I do that already?
I shudder at the thought...
which made me realize:
I am
on this stuff!
The only thing I might try is maybe taking one every other day... just to save money.
But I will taper off - like skip Sundays or something...
then a few weeks later take out another day of the week.
I'll keep you posted on that progress when it happens.
For for now, I am feel juuuust right.
I still have my ADHD issues
(couldn't get an appointment for THAT issue until the END of May!)
but my "other" issues are settling into a nice easy pace...
Certain "womanly" feelings are returning, and If you are reading this, you know what I mean... but the leveling off of the MOOD SWINGS... that is the BEST REWARD.
More even keeled... yet not zombie-like. It is just like... well...
NORMAL is the only way I can describe it!
Like the PMS Roller Coaster finally let me off!
May you all be FREE of menopause mood swings!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
What is Normal?
April 19, 2012
I haven't written for a couple weeks... tax season, you know. Still double dosing twice a week - waiting for some momentous to happen. But what is it they say about the Tortoise and the Hare? Slow and steady wins the race - must have patience. I am gradually feeling somewhat back to normal, whatever that is.
Interesting to Google: What is Normal? Found a lovely quote which made me feel better:
"It is often relatively healthy people who feel defective"...
"It is often relatively healthy people who feel defective"...
Now that taxes are done, I can focus on what I'm feeling... do I feel defective?
Interesting question... I'm going to NOODLE that and let you know.
But more than seeking normalcy, I seek C.A.L.M.
I found a wonderful article: "How to Have a Calm Life."

One thing in particular really stuck out:
"If you know what bothers your life,
remove it before you proceed further."
Somehow I doubt they were talking about husbands.
At least I've graduated from screaming...
to making sarcastic remarks...
to making those remarks under my breath...
to just rolling my eyes and leaving the room...
small steps for womankind, giant leap for me!
Is Amberen the reason for these changes?
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Moods are Leveling Off
April 5, 2012
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The stuff our mother's don't tell us...

OH YEA! I joined the YMCA! My "man in the chair" gets discounts through his work that we were unaware of all these years... Now... to find a good sports bra! Any suggestions?
PS - not sure who to give original credit for the cartoons. Seems they are on a lot of blogs about menopause... nice to know I'm not alone!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
I Just don't Care Anymore...
March 28, 2012
I'm taking a double dose every other day now. I'll taper back down to once daily soon. Sleep has been interrupted due to a new device I am testing out. But hopefully I'll be used to it by next week... No weight loss (but no gain either). I still feel ADDish... but that could be attributed to the season (tax)... My MOOD feels better and better every day. I don't get so upset when husband says something profoundly stupid.

I found a very interesting article today on the Amberen Facebook page: Huffington Post: Will Your Marriage Survive Menopause? This quote really jumped at me:
During menopause a woman's brain also goes through changes. Dr. Louann Brizendine (author of The Female Brain) says, "The mommy brain unplugs. Menopause means the end of the hormones that have boosted communication circuits, emotion circuits, the drive to tend and care, and the urge to avoid conflict at all costs."
I'm taking a double dose every other day now. I'll taper back down to once daily soon. Sleep has been interrupted due to a new device I am testing out. But hopefully I'll be used to it by next week... No weight loss (but no gain either). I still feel ADDish... but that could be attributed to the season (tax)... My MOOD feels better and better every day. I don't get so upset when husband says something profoundly stupid.

I found a very interesting article today on the Amberen Facebook page: Huffington Post: Will Your Marriage Survive Menopause? This quote really jumped at me:
During menopause a woman's brain also goes through changes. Dr. Louann Brizendine (author of The Female Brain) says, "The mommy brain unplugs. Menopause means the end of the hormones that have boosted communication circuits, emotion circuits, the drive to tend and care, and the urge to avoid conflict at all costs."
The whole article is interesting - but this quote... BAM! Sometimes I just don't CARE anymore! I actually noticed this feature of motherhood leaving me, and was a little worried about it. I don't CARE as much as I used to... I don't want to FIX things as much as I used to. I don't care if I offend or upset "the husband in the chair"...
There it is in black and white. I'm not the only one. There is a literal brain-thing that happens. THE MOMMY BRAIN UNPLUGS! Who knew? I remember when my mother must have started this phase. She would say, "I have to go now dear," right in the middle of my crisis! I wish she were here so I could share this revelation with her... Thankfully I have this blog to share it with... Has anyone else noticed their Mommy Brain Unplugging? Am I the only one who will admit it feels kind of nice?
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Feeling a little frisky!
March 20, 2012
WOO HOO... I'm feeling goooood... even a little frisky! (A good night's sleep doesn't hurt either.) One more week of doubles and I'll taper back... wonder if I could take them every other day to save some coinage? Will have to noodle that one... My weight gain is scaring me... and I am going to double up on my exercise routine... let's see... two times nothing equals nothing... I guess I'll have to ADD instead of multiply! The Amberen commercials focus a LOT on the "loss of belly fat" - maybe if I stick with it, things will start happening in that arena as well... I'll check in next week, unless something miraculous happens in the meantime...
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Starting Double Dose
March 13, 2012
Popped four of those puppies this morning... let's get this going!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Jury is Still out
March 11, 2012
The jury is still out... I think I'll double up for a week to kick things into gear a little faster. I did that the first go around, and it seemed the help. I'm not 100% convinced anymore... but now I'm afraid to stop. I do feel somewhat calmer, and it is tax season, where crazy is the norm... and I haven't fallen apart completely. Oh don't worry... I'm not giving up, but I'm also going to ask the doctor about some other issues... like a possible never-diagnosed ADHD personality. I tried an Adderall, just to see if it would help, and the C.L.A.R.I.T.Y. and C.A.L.M was beyond my wildest dreams... maybe this is all about an issue I've had since childhood, and not hormones at all.. or a combination of both... who knows anymore.
I did read that some women only do this 90-day cycle of Amberen twice a year. I hope that after I can "kick into gear" that maybe I can take one every other day or so... I'm just trying to find ways to stay balanced, but also stay on a budget! It hasn't even been a month yet, so I'll just keep plugging away... I'm just so impatient!
By the way... someone asked me if I was affiliated with AMBEREN - NO I AM NOT! I am just a crazy menopausal woman who heard about it on a Dr. Laura commercial! There are so many testimonials FOR and AGAINST the product. This is just my little personal journey which I wanted to share with anyone who happened to stop by to read it... I hope I am not stepping on any copyright toes by doing this...
Friday, March 2, 2012
Back to 35%
March 2, 2012
Another week... My Amberen Life is still not completely back - but maybe at 35%... my physical health is at 80% - still coughing a little... but the weather is 100% beautiful! I was able to let something roll off my back, which would have sent me into a tailspin a few weeks ago. I might still bitch to my girlfriends, but am able to let it go and maybe even just giggle a little. I could double up on the dosage, like I did in the first round to get things going, but I'm being a cheap-skate and trying to ration them. I wish I could take one every other day - but I'm going to wait awhile to do that. It's only been a couple weeks, but I'm so impatient. I'll keep plugging away... crossing my fingers... hoping these were not a waste of money...
Friday, February 24, 2012
Got a Little Flu Bug
February 24, 2012
Hard to tell after one week of being back on them. I also came down with some flue - cold - fever - whatever thingy with my granddaughter, and being sick kind of hinders my "research." I had a huge blowout with my husband a few days ago, but the fever came the next day. Can't necessarily blame that on hormones... Drinking tea while I'm sick helps also... always soothes the soul. Anyway... after this fever leaves the premises, hopefully I'll know more, and be able to report some GOOD NEWS...
I just realized that even though I was sick, I was able to stay awake until midnight (tons of year end accounting work to complete) with NO coffee... NO caffeinated tea... and only one Diet Coke. Was it the Amberen? Who knows... it could be that the return of KISN to the internet airwaves gave me a second wind. Whatever it is... it was great! I'm sure I pay the price tomorrow... but it was fun while it lasted!
Friday, February 17, 2012
Started on my Second 90-Days
February 17, 2012
First day of 2nd round of 90 days on Amberen. I want my moods to level out immediately, but it will probably take a few days. Mentally I feel better - knowing that relief is around the bend. We shall see...
My doctor doesn't want me to eat, or take ANY other pills at the same time as my Synthroid - so I have to figure out how to remember to take those first, then wait an hour to take my Amberen with food. Such a pain... I don't know how my diabetic husband keeps track of everything! I only have four little pills and have to rearrange my life to figure it out! Thyroid alone at 6:30 am... then at 7:30 I can take my heartburn, allergy meds, and Amberen. I think these stupid daily reminder thingies will help. I swore I would never have them. I'm officially an old lady.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Relief is in the Mail
February 16, 2012
I am tracking my package every five minutes on the USPS website, now that I know my little orange and white pills are on their way. I'm so incredibly anxious to get started again! I feel like I need some ADD medication... some anti-anxiety meds... some sleeping pills... and caffeine... and I know that my RELIEF is spelled: A M B E R E N! Please please Mr. Postman... hurry... hurry... hurry!
9:25 pm - just went to the mailbox and it was there! I'm so anxious to get started... I feel like an addict. Do I take it tonight, or wait until the morning? I wonder if it would keep me awake to start in the evening... Patience Debbie... just wait until the morning... then wait for the blissful relief to take affect.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Why am I so skeptical?
February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day... I hate this day... but luckily the sale is still going on because of it. I procrastinate everything, including my order of this product. Why have I waited? It's only been three weeks... and I'm convinced that it was doing something - so why am I still so skeptical? I still read other blogs and comments (good and bad) about it. It seems to work for some, and not for others. It worked for me. it is only $1 per day - what is my problem! Pick up the phone!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Moodiness is back
February 7, 2012
I haven't made the call - was hesitating due to the cost. My hubby complained about it not being covered on our insurance until yesterday. Anxiety... panic... scatterbrainie-ness... fatigue... MOODINESS. They are all re-entering my being. But yesterday I was a raving maniac! When my husband asked what was wrong, I screamed, "My AMBEREN is wearing off!" He responded, "ORDER MORE NOW!" I still wish it was a little cheaper, but I will just consider giving up my daily Circle K $1 drink - fair trade, eh? I did find a special for Valentine's Day. Not much (14%) but every little bit counts! Amberen 14% Valentine Special
Onward and upward! Maybe if I add exercise to my daily routine, the weight will come off this time? Exercise... ya think?
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Withdrawals taking a toll
February 4, 2012
I am already feeling changes from being OFF of Amberen, the biggest being anxiety. I have not felt anxious since I started this journey - something I hadn't really noticed until it returned - and I don't like it. "Desires" that were starting to rumble have quickly waned. Lethargy... which could be from sleeplessness. MOOD SWINGS - horrible mood swings... and I think I even had a hot flash yesterday - what the heck! Also notice concentration issues... I feel like I am struggling with ADD - (which I probably do suffer from) - but the symptoms seem more pronounced since being off the product.
Had my Thyroid levels checked this week, to make sure that wasn't the cause, and they are fine. Could Amberen really be making such a difference? It will be worth the $1/day if it is true... and my husband can't complain about the cost, if I remind him of the cost of his diabetic supplies! If this can make me tolerable to live with...
I think I'm going to call them today! Of course, the bargain hunter side of me will do some research first, to see if there is a cheaper way to get them... Why don't I think I'm worth this? That's a whole other chapter, right ladies?
I guess it's time to break down and buy one of those daily plastic pill containers... ugh
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
First 90 days almost over...
January 17, 2012
My 90 days are almost over. Received an email from customer service, reminding me that it was time to order my next supply. I reminded THEM that this was supposed to be a temporary thing (or so I thought!) I was supposed to see if my body reverts back, then try it for only one more 90 day session. They originally told me if it didn't work after two tries, it wasn't going to work for me. I will give my body a rest from this and see what happens, and make a decision in a few weeks.

So... what HAS happened in the past 90 days? For those of you not producing estrogen, you know what happens... and some of "that" seems to be kicking into gear a little bit! I have a little "desire" peaking through the clouds, and possibly some internal issues resolving themselves. Feels good to feel feminine again... BUT - I haven't lost an ounce of weight - instead, I have GAINED 10 pounds! Very frustrating, to say the least. Their commercials focus on that the most! The women calls her friend all excited about her "belly fat" going away. Well... mine remains.
That wasn't my biggest issue when I began this adventure, although I had high hopes. So it remains to be seen what my body will do next few weeks. If I start getting hot flashes again, I will scream! I would be willing to try one more 90-day session - it would be worth the $100 IF IT WORKS!
I will check in again at the end of February to let you know if I'm placing another order. I know I'm being vague about the desired results... email me privately if you want specifics (addiedebkins@gmail.com) - but if you are menopausal, I think you understand...
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